Who We Are
MVIWAMA is a voluntary, non-profitable, non-political, and less discriminatory organization that aims at connecting smallholder farmers (crop growers, livestock keepers, and fisherfolks) to assist them, through their groups and networks, to improve communication amongst them and enabling the members to have a collective voice in advocacy for their social and economic rights, interests as well as to increase their political understanding.

Meet Our Coverage
MVIWAMA is working in five district on Manyara Region (Babati,Mbulu,Hanang, Simanjiro and Kiteto),
with 50 local network at the Ward Level,
320 farmers producers group and
8,239 farmers members.
About Our Partners

OUR MISSION | To unite small holder’s farmers in groups and network to advocate and protect the interest of farmers, through capacity development, facilitating, communication and learning, research, lobbying and advocacy on policy and system.